Students from Chiba University visiting Lund Cathedral in southern Sweden during a 5-day study abroad course.

Hosting Chiba University in Malmö and Lund

In September 2023 Swedish HealthCare Academy and our partners had the honour of hosting students from Chiba University in Japan. This was a 5-day study abroad course with the objective of providing insight about the education and care for children and adolescents in Sweden. Specific areas of interest were social care and special education.

The program consisted of a combination of lectures and visits to schools, clinics and institutions that are involved in child- and adolescent care, not to mention faculties at the esteemed Lund University and modern Malmö University. The students also participated in more leisurely visits to Lund Cathedral, and cultural exchanges with Swedish students.

Swedish HealthCare Academy is a global gateway to study healthcare delivery. We believe in learning through experience!

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